Explore Lake Bunyonyi : The Top 10 Fun Activities For You To Enjoy : Lake Bunyonyi, The most beautiful lake in Uganda is located in the country’s south-west, 7 kilometers west of Kabale Town. Lake Bunyonyi, embroidered with 29 islands, is approximately 25 kilometers long, 7 kilometers broad, and 35,000 feet deep, making it the deepest lake in East Africa.

It is surrounded by steep Kigezi terraced hills and rich green flora, and it is perfectly positioned in an isolated area that complements the gorgeous scenery with a peaceful atmosphere in which to relax, hideaway, and enjoy the pleasures of the ideal South-Western temperature.

It is thought to have formed approximately 10,000 years ago. It formed when the River Ndego was blocked by lava flowing from one of the volcanic ‘Virunga Mountains’ that covered the valley around this place, resulting in a stagnant water body. Over time, this has evolved into a lovely island-cluster lake with fresh water and fish.

There is a lot to do in the tranquil west, the most important of which is to relax and unwind for the duration of your stay. The scenery is relaxing, yet the activities are adventurous; you will leave this spot relaxed and with a new perspective on the world.


  1. Boat Rides

Why visit a lake without taking a boat cruise? There are numerous boats available for hiring on the lake’s banks, ready to transport you inland for the day. The waters are relatively safe, so you can wander from corner to corner while admiring the scenery. With a local guide, you can learn a lot about the 29 islands (both inhabited and deserted) and cultures that dwell around the lake.

  1. Community Visits/Hikes

Lounging at the wonderful resorts is soothing enough, but to truly experience Africa’s Switzerland, a climb over the surrounding hills is exciting and rejuvenating. Tracks through the terraces, banana plantations, and lush green foliage provide a clear view of all 29 islands. It provides a superb, picture-perfect location from all perspectives.

A trip around the towns provides a more enriching experience by exposing you to traditional ways of life, cultural beliefs, history, and mythical legends passed down from generation to generation. The locals are quite welcoming.

  1. Bird Watching

It’s also known as the ‘Place of Many Little Birds’ for good cause. It is home to approximately 200 bird species, including grey-crowned cranes, red-chested sunbirds, flycatchers, white-tailed blue monards, slender-billed baglafetch, weavers, egrets, herons, and woodpeckers, among others, along the lakes’ shores. Bunyonyi is the ideal site to experience bird watching while also seeking a peaceful retreat.

  1. Swimming

The lake is stocked with fresh water and is free of bilharzia. There is no shore, but safe structures have been installed to enable easy deep dives into open waters. A variation on swimming pools is exactly what you need on vacation, and Lake Bunyoyi is available all day. Relax on the lake’s banks, sunbathe, and go deep diving at any time of day.

  1. Local Market

You should have African market experience. Markets near Lake Bunyonyi sell almost anything you can think of, including African crafts, veggies, shoes, clothing, and electronics. People move quickly as they haggle for lower rates, while others stand around catching up with one another, while more arrive with more stuff to sell. A local market is a place where individuals may meet and catch up with one another.

  1. Canoe Riding

This is the most popular means of transportation on Lake Bunyonyi. The locals are regularly crossing the lake from island to island and on opposite sides of the hills to conduct personal business.

A canoe trip is an excellent opportunity to get a sense of what it’s like to live the way they do, as it allows you to spend more time on the lake and pause in the center for some tranquility and a panoramic view. You can opt to be paddled or to paddle yourself, as long as you have a guide with you.

This service is offered at any time of day, especially in the evenings, for those who want to enjoy the sunset while gliding on the lake. The lake is not inhabited by dangerous water animals such as hippos and crocodiles, making this evening’s potentially romantic encounter unique.

  1. Visiting Batwa Pygmies

The Batwa pygmies are a small group of people that live on the boundary between Kabale and Kisoro in the ‘Echuya Forest Reserve’ and are thought to have originated in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a hunter tribe that used to reside in the DRC rain forests before migrating to western Uganda after being forced to leave their territory due to industrialization. Almost 4,000 Batwa live in this area.

The Batwa have a remarkable history, including their own creation narrative, as well as a unique relationship with the forest that has been suppressed for many years. They reside in little grass and stick huts and like to stay to themselves. The Kellerman Foundation established the Batwa experience, and participation greatly aids this endangered group of people.

  1. Mountain Biking

There are various roads and tracks around the lake and uphill in the adjacent hills. The entire voyage offers a clearer and clearer perspective of the lovely islands, as well as opportunities to interact with numerous locals. Some lodging arrears offer bike rentals. This can be organized by your tour guide to ensure that everything is properly prepared in advance.

  1. Ziplining

The most recent addition activity is ziplining. Sturdy ropes connect trees on opposite banks of the lake. You can swing over the calm waters of the lake and even perform half-somersaults to touch the water and feel the breeze on your face.

Explore Lake Bunyonyi
Zip linning

It’s a joyful and exciting experience to loiter over the lake and splash the water as you drift from one end to the other. This activity includes on-site safety equipment. The equipment utilized has been thoroughly tested to ensure the safety of everyone on the ziplines.

  1. Discover the Islands

 There are 29 islands, each more fascinating than the others. With your favorite form of transportation, you can visit and explore each island on the lake. The most often visited are:

Akampene (Punishment Island): the tiniest island on the lake, but one of the most memorable. Akampene Island has a sad history of a practice that the locals have long perpetuated. To atone for their crimes, young females who became pregnant before marriage were brought to this island and tied to the island’s only tree. As time passed, this ritual was forgotten and dismissed as an outmoded ancient tradition.

Kyahugye Island: A variety of species may be seen on this island, which is regarded as one of the most intriguing. The island is home to zebras, waterbucks, impalas, and many more animals. An hour’s ride, with a view of the dazzling sun-kissed waters in the distance and fresh breezes, is the perfect addition to a mini-game drive.

Bushara Island: For a closer look at the birds in this area, visit Bushara Island. Carry your binoculars and long-lens cameras to make the most of the experience.

Bwama Island: This is the largest of the islands and is inhabited by people. Dr. Leonard Sharp was a Scottish missionary who arrived in Uganda in the 1920s and established a leprosy sanctuary in 1931. He established a leprosy treatment center where patients could be treated without feeling mistreated or neglected. This is deeply rooted in the island’s history. Currently, these hospital structures serve as schools for island inhibitors.

Bacuranuka Island: The fabled lore surrounding this island is extremely interesting. Long ago, 20 men were brewing local beer (obushera) when an elderly woman approached them and asked for a sip of the drink. The men refused to offer her a sip of the wine in an ungentlemanly way. The elderly lady asked them to give her a trip to the mainland, which they eagerly agreed to because they wanted her out of the way. One of the men was dispatched with her to the mainland, and in frustration, the old lady cursed the island, which flipped upside down and swallowed the men brewing ‘bushera’ on it.

With 29 little islands, you can be certain that each one has a unique story connected to local history and cultural beliefs.


Lake Bunyonyi’s position in the Kigezi Highlands makes it a great place to unwind before or after your gorilla-tracking expedition. The rich history and breathtaking scenery make for extremely restful vacations.

As said above, you can still participate in more adventurous activities, such as zip-lining, which is fantastic. If you wish to visit Lake Bunyonyi and participate in some of these exciting activities, please contact us, and we will arrange for you to have the best Ugandan holiday.

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